About templates

Save time by using templates to assign, offer, or post a job

Anna Pekker avatar
Written by Anna Pekker
Updated over a week ago

Instead of creating a new job from scratch every time, you can use templates to start with a preset format and make edits as necessary. You can create templates out of jobs that are assigned to a specific talent, offered to multiple talents, or posted publicly.

You’ll find all of your templates in the Template center, where you can create new templates or use, edit, or delete existing ones. To go to the Template center, go to any one of the pages under the Jobs tab, click New job in the top right, and select the Templates option in the dropdown menu. Your job templates are organized into three categories: Assign job, Offer job, and Post job.

You can create new templates and use existing templates from the Template center.

To create a new template, either:

  • Go to the Template center, find the applicable job category, and click on + Create new; or

  • Go to an existing job, click on the three-dot menu, and select Save as template.

To create a new job using an existing template, either:

  • Go to the Template center, click on the three-dot menu at the top right of the template you want to use, and select Use template; or

  • Use the job wizard for creating a new job, and click on the “use a template” link in the banner at the top of the screen.

Your new job will be filled in with the details from the template you select.

Who has access to templates

Your ability to view, edit, and/or delete templates created by other users in your company depends on your role:

  • Company admins can view, edit, or delete any templates in all company workspaces.

  • Workspace admins can view, edit, or delete any of the templates in their workspaces.

  • Members can view and use all templates in their workspaces, but can only edit or delete templates that they created.

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