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Workforce compliance just got cool 💦– What’s new for August 2022
Workforce compliance just got cool 💦– What’s new for August 2022

To the left, to the left…

Anna Pekker avatar
Written by Anna Pekker
Updated over 2 years ago

“Workforce compliance”—that’s a mouthful, huh? But customize your policy and set up your workflows in Stoke, and you might never need to say it again. Read on for our new workforce compliance features, plus lots of other things you’ve been asking for. 😎

Everything you need is on the left

Say hello to our new left-hand navigation bar! You can now jump directly to the pages you need from the options on the left, including your talent directory, pending milestones, compliance overview, and more.

Not just hourly or fixed rate

When you start a job, you’re no longer limited to just hourly or fixed pricing for your talents. With our new custom rate type, you can set payment by day, minute, word, article, and more. Choose the payment category; then set the rate for that category plus the estimated number you plan on paying for (e.g., $500 an article, 3 articles in total).

Workforce compliance down pat

We’ve improved our workforce classification settings so you can customize them based on a talent’s time with your company. You can now also set a policy, such as how many months or hours per month a talent can work with you before they become partially compliant and then noncompliant. (For more details, see Customizing your workforce classification compliance policy.)

Plus, we have two new workflow triggers:

  • “Workflow compliance status changes to” lets you customize workflow classification for your company. For example, you can have a custom email sent out to certain users when a talent’s workforce classification status has changed (e.g., partially compliant to noncompliant).


  • “Workforce audit report status changes to” lets you set actions based on the audit report so you can stay on top of your workforce compliance.

Not another username and password…

You can now enable Azure and Okta single sign-on (SSO) for your Stoke account to make it easier for users to sign up and login with their existing credentials (and keep your security tight). To activate SSO for your company, please reach out to your customer success rep or email us at

And if you use an SSO provider besides Azure or Okta, please let us know and we’ll see if we can add it!

Other things you should know about:

  • User management

    • Members of your Stoke account can now invite new users. All they have to do is click Invite user at the bottom of the left-hand navigation bar or on the Settings page. Their requests will be sent to the workspace or company admin for approval. (See here for more details.)

    • Members and workspace admins can now change other users’ roles, too. These requests will also be sent to the company admin for approval.

  • Workflow custom emails

    • When the workflow trigger is “Legal document changes to” and the status is “Signed,” your custom email can now include a link to a talent’s signed legal documents (which appear on their talent profile on Stoke, under the documents section).

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