If your company has a workforce classification compliance policy that you’d like to enforce to ensure talents aren’t venturing into the territory of full-time employees, you can set it up in Fiverr Enterprise and override the standard policy.
Note: The standard Fiverr Enterprise policy is as follows:
Compliant (green) – The talent has worked for the company for up to 6 months.
Approaching non-compliance (yellow) – The talent has worked for the company for 6 to 12 months.
Noncompliant (red) – The talent has worked for the company for 12 months or more.
To customize your workforce classification policy and change these time frames, go to the Settings page and then Advanced settings. Select Company settings and then click on the Legal & Compliance tab. Scroll down to Policies, where you'll find the custom setting for workforce classification.
Under this setting, you can define how many months the talent can do work for you before they become partially compliant and then noncompliant. Furthermore, for jobs that are measured and paid hourly, you can set the maximum number of hours a talent can work for your company per month.
The additional settings allow you to further customize this policy:
You can set the compliance count to reset (from zero) if the talent hasn’t worked for you for a certain number of months (which you set).
You can block the talent from being assigned jobs and milestones if they’re not compliant.
Here’s an example:
Company A has set their policy as follows:
A talent becomes noncompliant if they have worked for the company for more than 3 months, and more than 90 hours per month.
The compliance count resets after 2 months of no work for the company.
Talent | Payment structure | Work for company | Compliance |
Talent 1 | Fixed rate | 2 months of work → 1-month break → 2 months of work = 4 months of work | Not compliant (red)
Talent 2 | Fixed rate | 2 months of work ➝ 2-month break ➝ 2 months of work = 2 months of work due to reset | Compliant (green) |
Talent 3 | Fixed and hourly rate | 1 month of work, 100 hours
| Compliant (green)
Talent 4 | Fixed and hourly rate | 1 month of work (60 hours) ➝ 1-month break ➝ 1 month of work (100 hours) → 1 month of work (50 hours) = 3 month of work, but 1 with 100 hours | Not compliant (red)