Working with freelancers, contractors, and service providers isn’t just about sending out work and getting it back—it means you need to be on top of many different rules and regulations.
Fiverr Enterprise helps you manage three critical compliance areas to protect you and your company from unnecessary risk and costs:
Legal compliance
Most companies have a standard set of legal documents they always send to freelancers, such as an NDA, service agreement or contract, and more.
With Fiverr Enterprise, you can manage all these documents in one place, including:
Setting up legal document templates so documents are sent automatically to talents (Learn how to set up legal document templates)
Uploading legal documents that were signed by hand or that were emailed to you before you started using Fiverr Enterprise, for example (Learn how to upload documents)
Tracking each talent’s legal compliance status and seeing which legal documents were sent, haven’t been signed yet, are missing, or are expired so you can decide how to proceed
Tax compliance
Fiverr Enterprise collects, validates, and issues tax forms, such as W-8 and W-9 for talents working with US companies.
As with legal documents, you can upload signed tax forms that are already in your possession and track the status of your talents’ forms.
Workforce compliance
Using the services of freelancers is different from employing full-time employees, and it’s important to keep that distinction clear.
Our Workforce Classification Engine can classify your talents continuously and flag high-risk issues that need your attention. To understand the nature and volume of the work you’re requesting, we collect information on talents and jobs, such as:
The talent’s location (country and state)
What type of talent they are (individual or company)
For each milestone completed, the length of the engagement, price structure (hourly or fixed), number of hours per month, etc.
The Workforce Classification Engine aggregates and analyzes all these data points to determine whether a talent’s classification status is at risk.
If the Workforce Classification Engine finds that a talent is at risk of misclassification, we can provide an additional audit if required. For more details, talk to our team.
You can customize the workforce classification compliance settings based on your company policy and override the default settings. (For details, see here.)
To see a talent’s compliance (legal, tax, and workforce) status, go to the Talents page (in table view) and make sure the “Compliance” column is displayed in the table. Click on the flame icon for a talent to open their compliance report:
A green flame indicates that the talent is fully compliant for that category
A yellow flame indicates that the talent is partially compliant or approaching non-compliance for that category, or that something is in final stages
A red flame indicates that the talent is not compliant (e.g., because a form or document is missing or expired or because of a workforce compliance issue)
You can also access this compliance report from the talent’s profile: go to the compliance section and click on the flame icon there.
The talent’s workforce compliance status is updated once a day around 4:00 AM UTC.