Adding talents

How to add talents and start working with them

Anna Pekker avatar
Written by Anna Pekker
Updated over a week ago

There are two ways to add talents.

  1. Add a talent on the Talents page (and then create a job).
    This is best when you’re already working with a talent or when you have a talent in mind but don’t necessarily have a job for them yet.

  2. Create a job and add a talent to it.

    This is best for when you have a job you need to get done and you’ve hired or found a talent to complete it.

To add a talent first:

Go to the Talents page and click the button in the top right corner. You'll be asked to identify whether the talent is an individual or company based on the entity that will receive the payment, fill in their contact details, and select the legal documents you'd like to send.

You can decide whether to add the talent with or without inviting them to Fiverr Enterprise.

  • If you add the talent and send them an invitation to Fiverr Enterprise, they’ll receive an email with a link to access the platform, set up their profile (including entering payment details), sign legal documents, and submit payment requests when they’re done with a milestone.

  • If you add the talent without inviting them, they won’t receive an invitation, and they won’t have access to the platform or any of the documents or features within it.
    This may be a good option for talents who don’t need access, such as talents who work for a company that already has an account, or if you’re not ready to invite the talent (e.g., because the legal documents aren’t ready yet), but you’d like to add them anyway and invite them later.

To create a job and then add a talent:

Go to the Jobs page and click the button in the top right corner. Click Assign job. Enter the details about the job. Then, instead of selecting an existing talent from the list, click Add new talent. You’ll be asked to complete the same details mentioned in the section above.

Watch this video to learn how to add a talent.

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